Entry #7. A Fresh Take

I can't say that I ever put much thought into where the food I eat comes from. Of course, I have pondered it for a second I never put any effort into the thinking and quickly dismissed it. There is that old saying that says something like "nobody wants to see how the sausage is made", but there is a reason for that. It's not a pretty process and nobody that enjoys it should look into it. I still don't really want to ponder it because I enjoy the things I eat and I don't want to be grossed out at all. The purpose of the film is to show people what goes on in the food production industry. It is mostly to show the audience how there are people within the industry striving for change. The audience is intended to be regular people or people who would like to do research and be cautious about the food they eat. The tone is somewhat serious but informational. What stood out to me most was Will Allen and how he leads the urban farming movement. The way he went from basketball to changing farming was amazing and an interesting change. The film made me think about how food production isn't exactly how I thought it was, but it did make me feel better seeing that there are people trying to keep it clean. The film does matter, especially to those that want to see a change. It provides hope and inspires some to follow suit. I think it might be better for people to know what is going on in food production so they can keep it clean. It is definitely important to care. Mostly to make sure things do not change for the worse.


  1. You had so many good points in your blog that I didn't ever think of. Including the fact that people know there is a problem with the food industry but refuse to do anything because the food they are eating tastes good. I think if they were aware of all the abuse and chemicals so many of these places use they would want a change.


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